Sunday, September 27, 2009

Spare us the Cutter...

So, I had a piece of wood for a baseboard. But what should I model?
As I said the first things that jumped into my head were rivers and docksides, probably because of that nice flowing curve but strangely I went in a totally different direction.
A scrapyard.
Don't ask me why. Perhaps it's because the wife and I drove past one on our way to dinner on Friday night. More likely its because there is one sited across the track from the St Cloud, MN Amtrak depot. I have lots of photographs of this particular scrapyard. Here's a few for you.
This is a favourite shot of mine. These boxcar ends are being used to hold up a pile of scrap.
There are lots of wheels lying about
Some gondolas being loaded with scrap
A boxcar waits to be cut up
A big pile of scrap stands alongside an unlikely tree. Both would make good view breaks
So really it was too good an idea not to pass up. Rail served at both ends of the process. A perfect subject.
So on to making the baseboard proper.

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