Monday, June 15, 2015

Loaded up

The thing that has fascinated me about Hamon Deltak across the road from my workplace, is the varying types of loads that leave there on flat cars.
Here's just a couple that I've photographed (one that I have modeled)
Interesting view that shows some kind of transportation cradle fabricated from girders (painted yellow)

This interesting piece of equipment appeared in the yard today, It could make for a very interesting model load for the new layout.

A couple of years ago three of these huge heat exchangers appeared in the yard on a fleet of flat cars

Model based on the above photos. It's basically a box made from Styrene sheet
These loads aren't the kind of thing you can buy from a hobby shop, you really have to make them yourself. Best thing is you can guesstimate the size. They don't have to be spot on accurate. As long as the proportions look right, you'll be fine.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Second time around

Hello again! (I wonder if anyone is still reading this)
It was way back in September 2009 that I started this blog and the Wingett's recycling layout. The layout went to a couple of shows including a successful turn at the Worlds Greatest Hobby show in St. Paul in November of 2010. After that show the layout went into hibernation, with the best laid plans of adding some more details and improving a few aspects etc: Well the hibernation went into a fully fledged sleep, and plans got forgotten about. The idea of an indoor scrapping business seemed sillier and sillier.
Yet I never broke the layout up. I knew it was a good layout. I was attached to it and kept it in the model railway room, where I could see it and be proud of it.
I never did write the article for Model Railroader though.
So let's fast forward through the intervening years. My employers moved location close to a rail served industrial park, and I got to see a lot of rail activity. One of the industries served was Hamon Deltak, a manufacturer of heavy industrial waste heat removal equipment. There have been several lunchtimes where I would watch large flat cars be delivered there and a week or so later they would leave, loaded up with some unfeasibly large industrial creation.
Naturally, this had an effect on me and I wanted to model such things. I bought loads of flat wagons of all types and sizes. Right now my largest model is the Atlas 89' 4" TTX flat car. These cars need loads so I also have scratch built several outsized loads for each of the flat cars I own.
I even built a 9'+ long layout with a huge factory on it to accommodate these vehicles and their loads. It only went to one show as there was something not quite right about it. So I went of modelling other things.
Facebook came along and I joined a few groups that specialized in small model railway layouts and other list members asked about Wingett's, and I looked at it again. The factory building was looking rather sorry for itself but the layout was still sound, so a week or so ago I made the decision to refurbish Wingett's and replace the scrapping idea with a heavy industry not unlike Hamon Deltak, (see below) I liked what I saw so I decided to start work on the project.
Here, I have mocked up a typical large heavy industrial works. I like how the differing roof lines and annexes to the main structure give it an air of authenticity.
And so, we begin again. The first thing I have had to do is realign the front road. I was having issues with the Kadee uncoupler magnet as it was set on a slight curve. I hope that straightening that out a bit will help. 
Track lifted.
I'm also going to replace the switch into the factory grounds as the wire in tube operating system had been damaged.
So there we go. Hello again, welcome back and enjoy the ride.